
Search results

  1. Invasion Day 2024: Join your nearest rally

    Garramilla/Darwin 8.30am, Civic Park Meanjin/Brisbane 9am, Queens Gardens Muloobinba/Newcastle 9.30am, Customs House ...

  2. Maritime union battles DP World for decent pay and conditions

    terminals in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) wants a two-year ...

  3. While people are shopping, bombs are dropping and protests aren't stopping

    Meanjin/Brisbane. After rallying in Queens Gardens, the march stopped traffic for an extended sit-down protest in ... Meanjin/Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge The rally also followed a spirited sit-in at treasurer Jim Chalmers' ... cantbelieveprotestgenocide17-12-23byalexbainbridge-web.jpg Protesting against genocide, Meanjin/Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge ...

  4. An intoxicating people’s history of Australia

    Hotel and restaurant strike, the 1918 Brisbane beer strike, the 1937 Castlemaine brewery dispute, to the ... pubs that Brisbane student radicals met in, in the late 1960s. Australia’s racist history is confronted ...

  5. Supermarket workers go on strike: ‘All we want for Xmas is a living wage’

    union is organising rallies in  Boorloo/Perth, Naarm/Melbourne,  Gadi/Sydney  and  Meanjin/Brisbane  on ... Banksia Grove Dec 22, 12pm, Coles Byford Gadi/Sydney Dec 22, 1pm, Belmore Park  Meanjin/Brisbane Dec 22, ... 19, 2023 1397 Coles and Woolworth workers on strike in Meanjin/Brisbane on October 7. Photo: Alex ...

  6. After Israel’s latest killings, journalists need to ‘take a stand’ over the Gaza carnage

    Meanjin/Brisbane in December. Photo: Alex Bainbridge Israel is assassinating journalists in Gaza McCarthyism ...

  7. Palestine not forgotten, as protests for a permanent ceasefire continue

    Queens Street Mall in Meanjin/Brisbane on December 23. Their message was: “All I want for Christmas is ...

  8. NUS votes to support a free Palestine

    18, 2023 1397 Protest in Meanjin/Brisbane on December 17. Photo: Alex Bainbridge While people are ...