Resistance solidarity

July 16, 1997

Resistance solidarity

@box text intro = [The following message to striking coal miners was sent by the Resistance 26th National Conference, meeting in Melbourne, on July 5.]

We read today of your success [preventing Rio Tinto from moving coal mined by staff] in defeating the bosses' latest attempts to break your strike.

We are familiar with the aggressive anti-union and anti-worker management practices of Rio Tinto/CRA. We have followed the struggles of workers against CRA (including those at Weipa in 1995 and at Vickery last year) and lent our solidarity to these.

We stand with you in your struggle against individual contracts aggressively promoted by Rio Tinto and the Howard government. Only by uniting in defence of our common interests can workers' just demands be realised. Individual contracts are a threat to workers' unity, and we applaud you in your efforts to resist them.

Your struggle is our struggle. We pledge our support for your campaign in any way we can.