BY DOUG LORIMER A national anti-war conference, called by the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign (VMC) and held in Sydney in February 1971, endorsed proposals to build the movement against the Vietnam War. We in the socialist youth organisation Resistance
Right-wing US President George Bush told federal parliament on October 23 that PM John Howard was a "man of steel" for sending Australian troops to join the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. What did the Labor opposition MPs do? They joined
BY BARRY WEISLEDER Eight years of right-wing Conservative Party rule in Ontario, Canada's most populous province, came to a crashing halt on October 2. The Ontario Liberal Party, led by Dalton McGuinty, swept into government, capturing 72 of 103
BY SONJA FORSBERG MELBOURNE — Two-hundred residents cheered Martin Kingham, secretary of the Victorian branch of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), when he announced at a rally outside the Sunshine Swim and Leisure
BY BRADLEY SIMS ALBANY, WA — On October 21, Albany City Council passed a motion to support the city's Afghan Hazara refugees' claims for permanent residency. More than 100 people attended the council meeting. Bradley Sims, Rafiq Alizadah, Paul
BY JIM McILROY Jim Cairns, the most prominent leader of the mass protests in the early 1970s against Australia's involvement in the US war against Vietnam and standard-bearer of the Victorian ALP parliamentary left of his generation, died on
Reality TV is designed to bring out the worst in people. On October 20, the top-rating Australian Idol — a glorified talent quest — really delivered the goods when "judge" and music industry heavy Ian "Dicko" Dickenson counselled beautiful and
BY KARL MILLAR MELBOURNE — Around 1200 people gathered outside the State Library to protest against the visit of US President George Bush, also the world's number one terrorist. The protest featured the many home-made banners and placards that
COMMENT BY PIP HINMAN Some 10,000 people demonstrated against the visit to Australia by US President George Bush on October 22-23. This number can't compare with the 1 million in February, but it is significant. It shows that the anti-war movement
BY AARON BENEDEK& SARAH STEPHEN SYDNEY — The murder of two people in the south-western Sydney suburb of Greenacre on October 14 has been turned from a criminal investigation into a new round of government and media attacks on Sydney's Arab
BY CHRISTANO KERRILA In response to the revolutionary process unfolding in Venezuela, the country's capitalist oligarchy, supported by the US government, has wielded its economic power in the form of sabotage. Through an alliance with corrupt
BY EVA CHENG The central objective behind Prime Minister John Howard's invitation to Chinese President Hu Jintao to visit Australia has been to secure a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) with China, in the hope that this will provide privileged