Globalisation's myths revealed BY RUTH RATCLIFFE CANBERRA — The real "globalisation" battle was not to defend the rights of the nation-state against international institutions but to defend peoples' rights against neo-liberal governments and
Greed "The blame mostly lies with a greedy Australian electorate." — Right-wing think tank Access Economics lamenting the reduced federal budget surplus because "the punters demanded that 'everyone be no worse off'" after the introduction of a
Secondary students won't be intimidated BY JODY BETZIEN MELBOURNE — Over the last week, the establishment media have threatened young people with police repression if they attend the September 11 blockade of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
BY ALLEN MYERS "It's time", declared the PM of Danunda, staring straight into the TV camera. "This decision can no longer be postponed. It is a non-partisan decision, agreed between the government and the opposition after thorough discussions with
DURBAN — On July 9, 5000 people, many wearing "HIV Positive" T-shirts gathered at the Durban city hall to demand equitable access to HIV/AIDS treatment. The march preceded the opening of the 13th International AIDS Conference, held here on July
The puppet in Pakistani politics BY DAVE RILEY Right-wing thugs disrupted and closed the showing of a political satire, Jhoot ke Palende (Bunch of Lies), at Lahore's Al-Hamra Arts Council on June 16. The play, scheduled to run from June 15-19,
EAST TIMOR: Unanswered questions on transition As East Timor moves towards full independence under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), the obligations and conduct of the UN, international aid
BY SEAN HEALY As unifying slogans go, "Fair trade, not free trade" has a lot going for it: it's simple, it stands against the injustice of corporate-dominated trade masquerading as "freedom" and it poses at least the beginning of an alternative
Globalise this! GlobalizationInsurgeChatterbox/Phantom RecordsOrder at <http://www.insurge.com.au>. REVIEW BY SEAN HEALY There have been plenty of bands who've been radical and angry in their early albums, only to turn to mush. Insurge
Workers protest student association merger BY RORY CAMPBELL GEELONG — Staff at the Geelong Association of Students struck for three days, from July 18-20, in protest at the refusal of the association's board to discuss the impact of a planned
A few hours with me "It was a delightful visit ... [but] much too short." — Jane Austen 1775-1817 While reading bits and pieces of Jane Austen's work, the quote above impressed itself upon me. I agree with her; a visit is much too short. In
Mayor defends Townsville homophobia BY BRIDGET RIGGS TOWNSVILLE — Responding to televised accusations of rampant homophobia in his city, Townsville Mayor Tony Mooney has dug himself in further by blaming the messenger, claiming to be "outraged"