By Lisa Macdonald Hundreds of people rallied in Australia's cities on May 15 to mark World Climate Day, a non-government day of action to heighten awareness about global climate change. On the same day, several environment and development groups
By Kath Gelber The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLMG) created a public furore on April 30 when it adopted controversial new guidelines for membership requirements for people not identifying as gay, lesbian, homosexual or transgender. SGLMG
By Chris Spindler SYDNEY — In the face of proposed massive cuts to tertiary education funding, a stop-work meeting of Macquarie University academic staff on May 8 endorsed the national 24-hour strike for May 30. The meeting reaffirmed the
By Norm Dixon National Party leader F.W. de Klerk on May 9 announced that his party will withdraw from South Africa's government of national unity (GNU) on June 30. The sudden announcement finally ends the apartheid party's 48-year continuous
By Jennifer Thompson SYDNEY — The Maritime Union of Australia's (MUA) Action Conference on May 17 attracted around 1500 participants, mainly maritime union delegates and workers, from around Australia. The striking Vickery workers sent a
Spot the madman "The bulk of licensed sporting shooters would have quality guns worth more than $4000 each. You don't buy those sorts of weapons to kill people. It's the madmen who buy the cheaper variety." — John Wyche of the NSW Sporting
Part and parcel of the capitalist offensive against working people in the United States is the drive by both the Democrats and Republicans to trim back the gains won by blacks and other people of colour, and by women. One aspect of this campaign
By Allen Myers It's an article of faith in the new federal Coalition government that it inherited a "black hole" budget deficit of $8 billion from its Labor predecessor. This alleged black hole immediately became the justification for sweeping
Last week, Business Review Weekly published its annual list of the 200 richest Australians. For those who missed it, Kerry Packer is still at the top, though he's $2 billion or so down on his wealth of several years ago. Things are tough in this
By Mark Bahnisch and Sacha Blumen BRISBANE — At least one department has been closed at the University of Queensland; it has completely disappeared, though nary a word has been heard from our student union. The Russian Department has been
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — Partly as a result of President Boris Yeltsin's efforts to buy himself victory in the June 16 elections, Russia in coming months is due to experience its most severe financial shocks since the policies of "reform" began
Power Without Glory Published in the early 1950s, Frank Hardy's Power Without Glory has as its central theme the corruption inherent in capitalism. John West in the early 1890s sets up an illegal tote in the poor working-class suburb of