House of Cards — If you didn't see it the first time round, make sure you catch it this time. This four-part series is set in post-Thatcher Britain, with the obvious question who is to be the next PM. Ian Richardson is superb as the chief whip, and
By Max Lane
Indonesia's largest independent national student organisation, Students in Solidarity with Democracy for Indonesia (SSDI), issued a statement on November 13 in support of the 29 students occupying the US Embassy compound. SSDI
The following speech was given by the Cuban foreign minister, ROBERTO ROBAINA, to the 49th session of the United Nations General Assembly, on October 3, 1994.
While we are here making speeches, the military occupation of a small and impoverished
Dealing in death
In September, the federal parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade reported on the implications of Australian arms exports. While the majority opinion somewhat predictably emphasised
Poem: My First Identity
By Mohammed A. Rahman
I am the poet for the human kind,
Who was born by the name of human being.
I might be born in the palace of Buckingham,
Might be uncivilized in the deepest jungle of Amazon
From the
As Brandon Astor Jones says (GLW #166) we should be worried by the rise of the fanatical right, epitomized by the armed anti-abortionists. We should also begin more searchingly to ask the question "Why?".
Can we see
Comment by Del Cassidy
With airplanes carrying passengers half way around the world in less than a day, the technological revolution that began in the last century has compressed the world in time if not in actual distance.
Rapid travel,
ROGER CLARKE continues a debate about the Australian Labor Party and the role socialists should or shouldn't play in it.
Jim McIlroy (GLW #164) agrees that the isolation of socialists from the working class is our key problem, so rather than
Campaign to ban use of mines
By Elaine Chew
There are 100 million landmines laid around the world, the majority of them in Third World countries. Although most were laid during war, they have the ability to be activated up to 75 years
By Jennifer Thompson
A jump in company profits, announced on November 17 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), has added to the campaign for wages increases currently being led by the Transport Workers Union (TWU).
The profit
By Chris Spindler
2020 vision statements are papers presented by people associated with the CSIRO which are intended to highlight options, possibilities and choices. Their aim is to stimulate thought and discussion about the future. Dr John
Faraway, So Close
Directed by Wim Wenders
With Otto Sander, Willem Dafoe and Natassja Kinski
Reviewed by Vannessa Hearman
The sequel to Wings of Desire continues the angel theme, with angel Cassiel (Otto Sander) finally joining the humans
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