NSW Labor

Nurses taking action at Westmead Hospital on September 1.

New South Wales Labor decided in May that it no longer supports its 2015 and 2019 policy for mandated nurse-to-patient ratios in hospitals. Niko Leka reports.

The NSW government enacted new anti-protest laws with Labor's support, but it is having difficulty getting its new anti-union laws through. Jim McIlroy reports.

The NSW Coalition, with the support of NSW Labor and the conservative crossbench, have enacted laws that effectively ban direct actions. Abigail Boyd describes the anti-democratic push to pass these draconian new laws.

Former NSW Labor leader Luke Foley was forced to resign on November 7 after ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper alleged that he put his hand inside her dress and into her underpants without her consent at a 2016 Christmas party.

In the lead up to the September 9 election for the forcibly amalgamated Inner West Council, Labor candidates are feeling the pressure of strong community opposition to the multi-billion-dollar WestConnex motorway tunnel.

New South Wales Labor MP Noreen Hay, who has held the seat of Wollongong since 2003, is resigning from state parliament effective from September 1. Hay was the Labor Party's whip until May when Opposition Leader Luke Foley threatened to resign unless she stood down, after a senior staff member in her Wollongong electorate office was charged with electoral fraud.
NSW Labor has anointed a new leader less than three months before the state election in March. With the , it must have calculated that it has nothing to lose by dumping former leader John Robertson.
Naturally, once Julia Gillard called the federal election for September 14, it was all hands on deck in Labor to spruik the party and its many great achievements to ensure Tony Abbott is denied keys to The Lodge.