As former United States President Joe Biden left office, he commuted 80-year-old political prisoner Leonard Peltier’s life sentences to home incarceration, reports Malik Miah. Peltier is a long-time leader of the First Nations movement in the US.
Native Americans
A new investigation by In These Times has revealed that, by percentage of population, Native Americans are more likely to be killed by police than any other sector — including African Americans.
It also found that while cases of African-American police deaths tend to dominate headlines, killings of Native people go almost entirely unreported by mainstream US media.
In the past few weeks #BlackLivesMatter rallies have been organised around Australia and internationally in solidarity with the Black victims of US police violence and to raise awareness of the racism experienced by Australians of African descent and First Nations communities.
In Melbourne, a rally on July 17 drew a diverse crowd of more than 3500 people. It was organised by just four young activists and mobilised many communities who have experienced racism, as well as their allies.
This Invasion Day, a mob of Aboriginal rappers released a free mixtape to show solidarity with the in Turtle Island, the body of land now known as North America.