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Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather on the tension between parliament and movement-building
Elections Housing Stuart Munckton Federico Fuentes Max Chandler-Mather Brisbane Greens affordable ... Chandler-Mather, Greens MP for Griffith, to discuss the Magan-djin/Brisbane Greens’ political vision and how ... parliament fits into their strategy for social change. Based on previous discussion, it seems the Brisbane ...
Protests mark six months of genocide
onthemegaphone7-4-24byalexbainbridge-web.jpg Magan-djin/Brisbane rally, April 7. Photo: Alex Bainbridge Palestinian activist, Jamal Nabulsi, at ... the Magan-djin/Brisbane  protest summed up the feelings of many, saying: “It was honestly a shock to ... from the sit-down protest, Magan-djin/Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge ...
Banksy’s art comes to Sydney
of the show opened in Brisbane. "I have been criticised for taking art off the streets and onto ...