
Search results

  1. Mary River dam delayed

    David White Meanjin/Brisbane Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has announced that construction of the ... Brisbane appeared likely to run out of water within 18 months, has led to widespread community protest. ...

  2. Stop the War Coalition calls on Rudd to cut ties with Israel

    people of Gaza have already occurred in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Newcastle, Adelaide and Perth. ... Details of further protests: Brisbane- Sat Jan 3, 2pm, Queens Park Melbourne- Sun Jan 4, 2pm, State ...

  3. Watering the dry continent

    from the Burdekin River in north Queensland to Brisbane, from the Clarence River on New South Wales ... north coast to Brisbane, from the Clarence inland to the Darling River, and from the Goulburn River to ... the same case for Brisbane. "More stormwater runs off the rooftops, streets and parks of Sydney ...

  4. Pensioners demand a fair go

    a national campaign, with rallies held in Sydney, Rockhampton, Adelaide and Brisbane. Patricia Reeve, head of ...

  5. Australian protests in support of Gaza

    attended a solidarity protest in Brisbane on January 3. Dave Riley reported that the rally was boosted by ...

  6. Alistair Hulett, David Rovics tour Australia

    including engagements in Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and more can be found at ...

  7. Charges against building unionist dropped — a victory for all workers

    The protest rallies against the ABCC will go ahead on December 2 in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, ...