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  1. Unionists protest Optus sackings

    against the sacking of 70 field technicians in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The protest was organised ...

  2. Reprieve for Qantas workers

    Brisbane. Qantas was ordered to suspend its redundancy program until it has given unions details of what it ...

  3. QR workers subsidiary agreement finalised

    Andrew Martin, Brisbane On April 4, the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) ...

  4. Cleaners campaign for a fair deal

    against Work Choices. Jon Lamb reports from Brisbane that 70 people gathered at St Mary's Church in ... South Brisbane. LHMU state secretary Ron Monaghan highlighted cleaners' concern that Work Choices ... Brisbane is at noon on April 27 at 1 Eagle Street in the city. In Adelaide, reports Emma Murphy, 200 people ...