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  1. Cairns council rejects East Trinity project

    Cairns council rejects East Trinity project By Bill Mason BRISBANE — North Queensland ...

  2. Anti-racists plan Ipswich rally

    of Ipswich on November 23. The Anti-Racist Campaign (ARC) has been meeting in Brisbane for a month, ... Brisbane to inform students about the anti-racist campaign. Jorquera thinks the November 23 rally will be ... in from around Brisbane to support the rally." For more information or to book a seat on a bus ...

  3. 'Fighting racism is not a spectator sport'

    involved in the campaign against racism: CONRAD BARRETT from Brisbane, WENDY ROBERTSON from Sydney and ARUN ... a coalition set up in Brisbane that includes different migrant communities, Murri groups, refugee groups and ... trade unions and political parties. The group organised a rally of 5000 people in Brisbane. The rally ...

  4. Write on: letters to the editor

    Brisbane While watching the A.B.C. Four Corners programme on October 28, 1996, that reported about ... Australia, I began thinking about what is going on in our own City of Brisbane. I wonder why? Could it be, ... allowing developers to construct high rise buildings on the edges of the Brisbane River, where nature ...

  5. Action updates

    Racism was held in Civic Park. Protest mining awards BRISBANE — Supporters of conservation organisations ...

  6. The left and the anti-racism campaign

    ISO's basic argument, as put by its leaders in the Brisbane Anti-Racist Campaign committee, is that the ... Brisbane would not have voted last week against having a refugee speaker at the November 23 rally in ...

  7. Racism in Australia: where it comes from

    Brisbane, the police made no attempt to intervene and, afterwards, arrested only one man for disorderly ...