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Qld election shows growing disgust with major parties
Queensland (LNP) Socialist Alliance Queensland Labor Magan-djin/Brisbane The Labor government and the Liberal ... Nation. The Greens won 9.9% of the statewide vote and around a third of the vote in a number of Brisbane ... state. Socialist Alliance ran its first electoral campaign in Brisbane in a number of years. Candidate ...
Day One of new Qld government: Stop Adani movement sustained
Kamala Emanuel Stop Adani Magan-djin/Brisbane Up to 100 people gathered outside Queensland state ...
'The Apartheid Song'-- pro-BDS musos respond to Nick Cave with reworked song
most prominent voices. With Brisbane based singer-songwriter (and long-time Palestine solidarity ... activist)Â Phil Monsour, Brisbane supporters of the boycott, sanctions and divestment (BDS) campaign against ...
Can’t Stand By network aims to end mandatory detention
largest cities: 1300 people in Adelaide, 2000 in Perth, 2200 in Brisbane, 4400 in Melbourne and 4800 in ...
Manus Island: ‘A day of horror’
for hours and activists camped overnight outside the department of immigration in Brisbane. The next ...