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  1. 'Dancing With Empty Prams' — A brave, raw and compelling poetic novel

    1389 Author Susan Austin at her Brisbane book launch. Photo: Read a review of ...

  2. JobKeeper: Morrison’s privatisation agenda for councils revealed

    weeks thereafter. Meanwhile, Brisbane City Council will attempt to impose a two-year wage freeze on all ...

  3. Wearing your politics

    tour the exhibition to Melbourne, Hobart, Perth, Darwin and Brisbane after the Sydney Writer's ...

  4. Qantas engineers threatened with strike breakers

    Graham Matthews Qantas engineers stopped work for four hours at Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney ...

  5. The vampire bleeding Australian cities

    across the five largest Australian cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. They assessed ... in Brisbane was the situation "largely static". Dodson and Sipe believe that their results ... underground CBD rail loop in Brisbane, the North-West Metro in Sydney and a similar proposal for Melbourne, ...

  6. Socialist Alliance prepares for new challenges

    said that the "partnership" in Brisbane between the Socialist Alliance and the Murri ... notches this year. "One of the main reasons that SA ran me in the seat of Brisbane Central was to ... any real opposition, or any real scrutiny, was in Brisbane Central, and that was because of Socialist ...

  7. Mock trial of David Hicks and other briefs

    the welfare safety net pulled from under them. Seeing Red BRISBANE — Dr Rosemary Webb, a member of the ...

  8. Don't be fooled by the two-party con trick

    Brisbane in 1989, Rein has built up an international employment business with an annual turnover of $175 ...

  9. Union leaders discuss how to stop Howard and Work Choices

    Choices on March 27 with a mass rally at the premises of SJ Electrics in Brisbane and is calling on ...

  10. Petrol populism and public transport

    Melbourne and Brisbane, based on their dependence on cars and their socio-economic status. The results were ...