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ALP's desperate rebadging could mask a shift to right
Alliance candidate for the federal seat of Brisbane: “The sacking of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his ...
Truth and lies about Gonski 2.0
in Brisbane will receive about $17 million in additional funding. Public schools will not reach 95% ...
Moments of resistance to refugee cruelty
Children’s Hospital in Brisbane. Medical professionals refused to discharge her while she and her parents ...
Developer ignores concerns about toxic site in Fawkner
There have been similar cases, such as a housing development in the Brisbane suburb of Kingston that was ...
Photo essay: Police invade Nyoongar Tent Embassy
Anti-racism Indigenous Alex Bainbridge This is what the Nyoongar Tent Embassy looked like before the police invaded. This photo was taken on Thursday March 22, about one hour before the police arrived. These Embassy representatives were waving at traffic ...
The meaning of the Great Strike of 1917
by thousands of Australian workers. Events such as the Red Flag Riots in Brisbane revealed that ...
Bosses’ dirty tactics force workers into unsafe conditions
workmate at the Eagle Farm construction site in Brisbane on October 7. The two workers were killed when two ... workers at the refinery picket about what had taken place in Brisbane. One worker commented “It is only ...
Refugee movement strategy debated
a Brisbane hospital, which was blocked when doctors refused to release her and a union blockade was imposed. ...
Ousted priest says Bishop’s sacking result of “totalitarian regimeâ€
South Brisbane church St Mary’s in Exile, wasn’t surprised. Sacked from the church in 2009 for ... Before their expulsion from the church, St Mary’s entered into a Treaty with Brisbane’s Aboriginal ... trouble back in 2009. What started you on the path you find yourself on today? I came to South Brisbane to ...
WestConnex leviathan moves north of the harbour
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, Transurban already runs two major expressways in the Greater Washington DC ...
The fight against Adani steps up a notchÂ
Jagalingou people protest in Brisbane in 2015 against the proposed Adani coalmine in the Galilee Basin. ...
New laws undermine civil liberties in QLD
liberties. A 'bikie' protesting the new laws at a rally in Brisbane on December 1. Photo: Bill ...
Fight Abbott’s industrial secret police
Brisbane and Melbourne. The Abbott government is pushing for a Royal Commission to be held into the union ...
Australia marks three years since Fukushima
Wollongong, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Cairns, Perth, Fremantle, Melbourne, Adelaide and Darwin to mark the ...
A march of no confidence in Abbott
included the Public Service Association and that Maritime Union of Australia. Brisbane had a strong turnout ...
Australia's richest 1% own more wealth than 60% of population
Oxfam's latest report, Still The Lucky Country?, produced in preparation for the G20 summit in Brisbane in ...
Australians organise to fight threat to solar power
extend solar to even more households. They have held public meetings in Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and ...
Experts accuse government over child self-harm in detention
hospitalised in Brisbane again in June. Sydney-based advocates said the 16-year-old had “severely slashed his ...
Aboriginal leaders meet for freedom summit
Brisbane-based Murri man Professor Sam Watson said it is time to reclaim the streets. “The Aboriginal rights ...
Womens refuges get funding reprieve
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The inquiry will report at the beginning of March next year. Dr Mehreen ...