
Search results

  1. Write on: Letters to the editor

    article also confuses the SDLP with the Irish Labour Party, a different party. Martin Thomas—Brisbane ...

  2. Write on: Letters to the editor

    neglects the other essential elements. Kathy Newnam Brisbane Three Cs Lenin's three Cs — clarity, ...

  3. Migrant workers strike against racism

    BRISBANE — For two and a half months, 17 Central American workers, mostly from El Salvador, have ...

  4. As CPSU leaders retreat, public servants demand action

    members in a Brisbane office of the Department of Employment, Education and Training and Youth Affairs. ...

  5. Cuban medicine progresses despite blockade

    Professor Amador met with the Aboriginal Medical Services in Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney. "It was ...

  6. Deaths in custody: still no action

    Sixty-one-year-old Daphne Armstrong died after being taken into custody in Brisbane in May 1992 for this offence. ...

  7. The spirit of Stonewall

    held at 7 p.m. at the Tom Mann Theatre in Surry Hills. In Brisbane a fortnight of "Pride" ...

  8. Write on

    justice for all and we might get somewhere. Good luck. Bill Wilcox Brisbane 'Party line' I would ...

  9. Good causes on the information highway

    Pegasus Networks Communications, PO Box 284, Broadway, Brisbane Qld 4006, phone (07) 257 1111, fax (070 ...

  10. 'We are victims of the legal system'

    135 March 16, 1994 SAM WATSON is the president of the Aboriginal Legal Service in Brisbane. He was ...

  11. The ALP: a roadblock on the path to socialism

    McIlroy is the secretary of the Brisbane branch of the Democratic Socialist Party.] ...

  12. Qld government fast tracks marina resort

    156 August 24, 1994 By Anthony Brown BRISBANE — After the receivers moved in on his Hamilton ...

  13. Theatre for the oppressed

    So when Boal addressed the Second World Congress on Drama/Theatre and Education in Brisbane, more ...

  14. Write on: letters to the editor

    compensated, Mr Keating. David Morgans Brisbane Fruit picking The fruit picking industry in Australia is being ...

  15. Filipino workers organising for their rights

    Educational Conferences in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane over Easter.] ...

  16. Resistance: fighting for the environment

    mall in Brisbane to protest against the decision by the federal government to extend woodchipping ...

  17. Action updates

    BRISBANE — Two hundred people attended a rally organised by the Coalition of Women for a Realistic Criminal ...

  18. Meeting challenges Keating's stand on Mabo

    By Nick Everett BRISBANE — "Australia and its citizens... have an opportunity before them to ...

  19. Rallies focus on Australian complicity in Timor

    Brisbane to picket Petroz and then to the Queen Street Mall for a speak-out. Speakers included Nick Everett ...

  20. Occupation, rallies fight up-front student fees

    time. In Brisbane, 400 students marched and rallied in anger at proposed up-front fees. The rally was ...
