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  1. Photos: Sustained solidarity shown with the Iran uprising

    Magan-djin/Brisbane Weekly protests in solidarity with the uprising in Iran continue to attract large numbers in ... Brisbane. Hundreds attended the latest rally in the city on November 5 where there was an open microphone. ... Brisbane city. iranletters29-10-22-cropped.jpg People making a human sign reading "Iran", ...

  2. NTEU industrial action broadens as cost of living rises bite

    at five Queensland universities on October 20, with a large rally in Brisbane’s King George’s Square ... Brisbane, on October 20. Photo: Lachlan Hurse- NTEU Qld/Facebook Sydney Uni NTEU steps up pressure for ...

  3. Ukrainian feminists: ‘We stand in solidarity with the Iranian uprising’

    October 22 in Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge Sustained solidarity shown with the Iran uprising Rally ...

  4. Developers threaten First Nations people’s burial site at Deebing Creek

    here, [in Brisbane] exposed a lot of the bones from the burial sites. They had to put them [the bones] ...