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  1. World Refugee Day

    Rallies to mark World Refugee Day took place in Brisbane on June 24 and Sydney (pictured) on June ...

  2. Residents oppose toll bridge

    Paul Benedek, Brisbane "This bridge will mean more cars, more pollution, more asthma, more ... to West End. The 120-strong community meeting was chaired by pro-bridge Liberal Party Brisbane City ... overwhelming community opposition. Many were parents of Brisbane State High School students who fear the toll ...

  3. Peace activist found not guilty

    BRISBANE — After two months of deliberation, Brisbane magistrate Kerry McGuiness found Jim ...

  4. Our Common Cause: Justice, not paternalism

    every white child has. Sam Watson [Sam Watson is an Indigenous activist based in Brisbane and a member ...

  5. We can strike Work Choices out

    stores, and protests were organised in Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle, Geelong, Melbourne and Adelaide. ...