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  1. Venezuelan revolutionary touring Australia

    February 25: Sydney February 27: Canberra February 28: Brisbane March 2: Adelaide March3: Melbourne March4: ...

  2. 'Godparents of the activist core' take up post in Venezuela

    Adam Baker, Brisbane Since their arrival here in 1987, Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter have become ... unfortunately, all too real. A farewell party for Coral and Jim, held at the Brisbane Activist Centre on January ... activist core" in Brisbane, remarking that it will be different to be in West End, or at a rally, and ...

  3. Petition for a national work stoppage

    from Brisbane, Rockhampton, Maryborough, Gin Gin and Charleville. If you want to sign and/or help ...

  4. Stolen wages: 'We're going to keep on fighting'

    653 November 17, 1993 Dave Riley, Brisbane In May 2002, Premier Peter Beattie's Labor ...

  5. Indigenous resistance to previous terror laws

    movement, the black power campaign in Brisbane was manifest in the 1970s Black Panther Party. Australian ... Black Panthers The Brisbane panthers such as Dennis Walker and my dad, Sam Watson, borrowed directly ...

  6. Racism: who's stirring it up?

    marched, and in Brisbane, Newcastle and Adelaide. Little wonder then that the Murdoch-owned Australian felt ...