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  1. Aboriginal leader condemns army 'racist clowns'

    606 November 17, 2004 Jim McIlroy, Brisbane Sam Watson, prominent Aboriginal activist and ...

  2. Forming a 'chain of opposition'

    Brisbane, around 100 people gathered on the steps of King George Square. "There are terrorists in Iraq, ...

  3. News briefs #1

    #1 Palestine photos exhibited BRISBANE — On November 8, 50 people attended a public display of ...

  4. News briefs #3

    to have this evidence heard. End the 'Pacific solution' BRISBANE — One of the first public ...

  5. Egon Erwin Kisch- early boat-person and anti-fascist

    November 10 to January 30. Sydney and Brisbane venues for the exhibition will be announced later.] From ...