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  1. Skilled Engineering refuse work to Patrick staff

    terminals at Port Botany, Sydney and Fisherman's Island, Brisbane. After Skilled Engineering won the ... delegates. The MUA maintenance work forces in both Sydney and Brisbane are picketing the maintenance ... Road, Fisherman's Island. Contact MUA branches in Sydney (02) 9264 5024 and Brisbane (07) 3395 7215 ...

  2. Patrick workers protest over union rights

    BY JIM MCILROY BRISBANE — On November 17, maintenance workers who had been contracted to the ... Fishermen's Island, Port of Brisbane, to protest victimisation of their Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) ...

  3. Activist defeats incumbent official in AMWU elections

    BY MARCE CAMERON BRISBANE — Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) activist Danny Dougherty ...

  4. Broad-scale land clearing continues in Qld

    BY ROBYN MARSHALL BRISBANE — On November 13, Louise Matthiesson of the Wilderness Society ...

  5. A very different parliamentarian

    and get back to his job", Fox addressed public meetings in Melbourne, Hobart, Brisbane, Canberra ... socialist party. In Brisbane, two bagpipe players arrived in full kit to welcome Fox to the November 18 ...

  6. Meeting hears harrowing tales of mistreatment of refugees

    seekers are subjected to. He cited a recent example of a young Afghan refugee in Brisbane who was told his ...