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  1. Dead seas or pledge to transition? Extinction Rebellion takes action

    2025. Extinction Rebellion groups in Brisbane/Meanjin, Gippsland, Wingecarribee in the NSW Southern ...

  2. End the hypocritical crackdown on civil liberties

    penalty. In Brisbane on May 8, during the fourth week of action outside another refugee hellhole, Kangaroo ... Supreme Court had declared the rally illegal. On June 13, Brisbane Greens councillor Jonathan Sri was ... On August 1, six refugee protesters were fined in Brisbane’s Raymond Park. On August 8, police ...

  3. Greens breakthrough expected in Queensland election

    Brisbane — when the LNP announced on October 6 it would preference Labor last in every seat. Greens ... candidate Amy MacMahon narrowly lost South Brisbane in 2017 to then-deputy premier Jackie Trad. Since then, ... MacMahon is standing for the Greens in South Brisbane. Photo: Queensland Greens / Facebook Qld election ...

  4. Activists push back against incitement charges

    for the charges to be dropped, she said. Brisbane City Council Greens councillor Jonathan Sri spoke ...