
Search results

  1. Qld socialist candidates: 'strike against corporate tyranny'

    BY JIM MCILROY BRISBANE — "The movement to challenge corporate power is a growing and ... South Brisbane and Coral Wynter will represent the party in Brisbane Central. A participant in the S11 ... action — a workers' and student strike and a blockade of the stock exchange in Brisbane on May 1. ...

  2. M1 Alliance meetings

    <>. Brisbane: Wed Feb 14, 6pm. TLC Bldg, 16 Peel St, Sth Brisbane. Ph 3831 2644. Canberra: ...

  3. IWD kickstarted in north coast

    details) to allow people from the area to attend the Brisbane rally on March 10. To help out with the ...

  4. DSP, ISO agree on Socialist Alliance perspectives

    Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth. Organisation for this ambitious mobilisation is already well underway. ...