
Search results

  1. Food irradiation plant planned in Queensland

    build a nuclear irradiation plant in Narangba, north of Brisbane. The company claims the plant will only ... food irradiation plant at the Rocklea wholesale fruit and produce markets in Brisbane in the 1980s but ...

  2. Queensland teachers to strike

    Queensland teachers to strike BY BILL MASON BRISBANE — Teachers at Sarina High School in north ...

  3. Queensland's national parks under-funded

    Queensland's national parks under-funded BY BILL MASON BRISBANE — Queensland's national ...

  4. New England students occupy 'underhanded' university

    before being decided on by a university council meeting in Brisbane. The university's executive ...

  5. Write on: letters to the editor

    Green Alliance for the 1991 Brisbane City Council elections. So what's missing? If electoral ... alliance politics can work so well in Scotland during the 1990s, in London now and in Brisbane in 1991 ... surely a message there. Dave Riley Brisbane Labor on super Simon Crean (Press Club speech, May 17) has ...

  6. Government 'generates anti-refugee feeling'

    detainees expected to receive such visas in the next few months to Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth, and has ...