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  1. Socialism for the new millennium conferences

    conferences, organised by the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, were held in Adelaide, Brisbane ... , Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney over the Anzac Day long weekend. Robyn Marshall reports from Brisbane ... Transport Workers Union; and Jim McIlroy, Brisbane DSP branch secretary and CPSU delegate. The session ...

  2. High school walkouts boost Jabiluka student rallies

    fact that a majority of Australians are opposed to the mine. Ruth Ratcliffe writes from Brisbane that ... student walkouts. The rally heard from Rebecca Duffy from Brisbane JAG and Vanessa Glenn from NUS ...

  3. Stop the US/NATO war on Serbia!

    (Brisbane); Jabiluka Action Group (Brisbane); Jabiluka Action Group (Sydney); Dave Holmes, Resistance Books; ...

  4. Write on

    stopped. Steve Berry Brisbane Olympics No doubt security during the Sydney Olympics will be adequate to ...

  5. Compensation and exemptions: can the GST be fixed?

    Brisbane. Food is not the only huge expense in remote areas. Transport is a big cost when people have to ...