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  1. Action updates

    BRISBANE — "In a period of the rise of a far right, racist movement, we can learn a lot from the ...

  2. Queensland TAFE cuts hit

    Queensland TAFE cuts hit By Daniel Lambert BRISBANE — The Borbidge government's $113 million ...

  3. US black activist defies deportation threat

    US black activist defies deportation threat By Bill Mason BRISBANE — "Racism is an ...

  4. One Nation spies on anti-racist campaign

    One Nation spies on anti-racist campaign By Zanny Begg BRISBANE — The One Nation party has ...

  5. Antibiotics, big business and super germs

    hospital in Brisbane, two patients were admitted with a bacterial infection that had multiple resistance to ... resistance genes with other untreatable microbes. This has now happened; hence the two deaths in the Brisbane ...

  6. 600 women at NOWSA conference

    By Angela Luvera BRISBANE — The 1997 Network of Women Students Australia conference, held at the ...

  7. How and why the media defend Hanson

    anti-racist demonstrators in Brisbane were planning a physical assault on her. Free speech Usually ... counterproductive ("Protests fuel the Hanson bandwagon": heading on a column by Terry Sweetman, Brisbane ...

  8. Witty demolition of a right-wing smear job

    that were stitched together by Brisbane's Courier-Mail to stitch up Clark as a Soviet spy, ...

  9. Write on: letters to the editor

    nationalism and committed to working-class unity through consistent democracy. Martin Thomas Brisbane US in ...