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  1. Socialists do well in Brisbane election

    Socialists do well in Brisbane election By Bill Mason BRISBANE — "The vote of more than 6% ... for Democratic Socialist candidates in the Brisbane City Council election on March 15 shows that ... urban Brisbane in the last federal election. Labor will have a majority on the council of at least 16 to ...

  2. Coalition for Access to Justice formed

    Coalition for Access to Justice formed By Karen Fredericks BRISBANE — A rally of 200 legal aid and ...

  3. International Women's Day

    response to the backlash against Aboriginal claims under native title. From Brisbane, Kerry Vernon reports ... candidate in the Brisbane City Council elections Coral Wynter said, "All the gains of the women's ...

  4. Action updates

    a network of supporters of the Block. Picket against Reith BRISBANE — Unionists picketed the Heritage Hotel ...

  5. Write on: letters to the editor

    which could have been much better spent discussing how to build the campaign. Kathy Newnam Brisbane ...