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  1. Brisbane/Meanjin International Women's Day march

    Magan-djin/Brisbane Over 300 people took part in the Brisbane/Meanjin International Women's ... march in Brisbane that defied Joh Bejelke Petersen's anti-protest laws- led the IWD march in ... Brisbane Adela Brent, rally co-chair Womens Abortion Rights Campaign Activists putting positive messages in ...

  2. Otherwise excellent IWD rally marred by transphobia

    Feminism Kamala Emanuel women's liberation Feminism Magan-djin/Brisbane Over 300 people took ... part in the Brisbane/Meanjin International Women's Day rally and march at Emma Miller Place on ... ActivistsStandInFrontOfTransMisogynistSigns10-3-18ByAlexBainbridge-web.jpg Rally participants. Photo: Alex Bainbirdge. Sia Carolyn of the Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors ...

  3. Transburban and its toll road empire

    overcooked. The same thing happened in Brisbane in the famous airport link, where there was a fraudulent ...