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  1. Qld toxic waste dump site 'not safe'

    Qld toxic waste dump site 'not safe' By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Two recent scientific ... reports on Queensland's toxic waste dump at Gurulmundi, 390km west of Brisbane, have questioned its ... of a legal claim for negligence against the state and local governments responsible. The Brisbane ...

  2. Qld high school students walk out over education cuts

    Qld high school students walk out over education cuts By Bill Mason BRISBANE — High school ... education funding in recent weeks. Following the successful rally in Brisbane on August 13, students at ... to attend the Brisbane rally. In the face of widespread student, parent and teacher anger, Education ...

  3. Rally hits Goss budget cuts

    Rally hits Goss budget cuts By Nathan Laurent BRISBANE — "We are not going to stop fighting ...

  4. Tooheys workers fight redundancy

    Castlemaine Perkins brewery in Brisbane, a Grafton brewery and a recent takeover of a brewery in Adelaide). ... Perth's Swan brewery, then at XXXX Castlemaine Perkins brewery in Brisbane, where 300 workers were sacked, ... crack, and were left to last, while the company encircled them with the easier slaughters. The Brisbane ...

  5. Kelly leaves way open to Starcke sale

    Kelly leaves way open to Starcke sale By Nick Everett BRISBANE — Federal environment minister Ros ...

  6. Successful 1993 Queer Collaborations conference

    action on campus was projected for some time in October, and the large and enthusiastic Brisbane ...

  7. Lucky Dube: 'Bringing inspiration to life'

    Sydney (Nov 20, 21), Brisbane (Dec 2) and Cairns (Dec 3).] ...