
Search results

  1. Qld election shows growing disgust with major parties

    Queensland (LNP) Socialist Alliance Queensland Labor Magan-djin/Brisbane The Labor government and the Liberal ... Nation. The Greens won 9.9% of the statewide vote and around a third of the vote in a number of Brisbane ... state. Socialist Alliance ran its first electoral campaign in Brisbane in a number of years. Candidate ...

  2. Day One of new Qld government: Stop Adani movement sustained

    Kamala Emanuel Stop Adani Magan-djin/Brisbane Up to 100 people gathered outside Queensland state ...

  3. 'The Apartheid Song'-- pro-BDS musos respond to Nick Cave with reworked song

    most prominent voices. With Brisbane based singer-songwriter (and long-time Palestine solidarity ... activist) Phil Monsour, Brisbane supporters of the boycott, sanctions and divestment (BDS) campaign against ...

  4. Can’t Stand By network aims to end mandatory detention

    largest cities: 1300 people in Adelaide, 2000 in Perth, 2200 in Brisbane, 4400 in Melbourne and 4800 in ...

  5. Manus Island: ‘A day of horror’

    for hours and activists camped overnight outside the department of immigration in Brisbane. The next ...