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  1. NUW members strike for fair pay at Caltex

    Workers & unions Kathy Fairfax National Union of Workers Caltex Magan-djin/Brisbane Members of ... morning's picket that saw trucks backed up to the motorway, NUW members at Caltex lubricants in Brisbane ...

  2. Another refugee sets fire to herself on Nauru

    Processing Centre Australian Border Force (ABF) Brisbane Immigration Transit Accommodation Centre Peter ... circumstances. Hodan, a 19-year-old Somali woman, has been taken to Brisbane by air ambulance, but she suffered ... from the Brisbane Immigration Transit Accommodation Centre on April 27. She was carried bodily out of ...

  3. May Day marches around Australia

    Sunday, May 5 marches will be held in the following cities. Brisbane 9.30am assemble cnr Wharf and Turbot ... Streets, Brisbane, for 10am march start. 10.30am Family Fun Day at RNA showgrounds. Cairns 9.45am march ...