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  1. Protesters condemn Iran executions

    International solidarity Bill Mason Kurdish struggle Meanjin/Brisbane BRISBANE — Fifty people, ...

  2. Aborigines 'determined' after court decision on wages

    Bill Mason Magan-djin/Brisbane Two Aboriginal communities say they are "bitterly ...

  3. Haiti: not just a natural disaster

    Bill Mason Meanjin/Brisbane "Rebuilding Haiti is important", El Salvadoran solidarity ...

  4. Fighting the twin crises

    Bill Mason Meanjin/Brisbane "The world is facing twin disasters in the near future: the ...

  5. Voices from Venezuela book launched

    in Brisbane, 40 in Sydney, 50 in Canberra, 20 in Wollongong and 30 in Melbourne. The launches were ... book assists us to build the solidarity movement." Speaking at the Brisbane launch on September ...

  6. Union organising in call centres

    Bill Mason 752 May 24, 2008 @9point non = BRISBANE — High work pressure, staff turnover, intrusive ...

  7. Tet offensive commemorated

    helped undermine popular support for the war in the West. McIlroy addressed forums in Brisbane, Sydney, ... Newcastle and Wollongong. These were attended by audiences ranging 12 and 40 people. In Brisbane, former ...

  8. US unionists organise against Iraq war

    60 people in the CEPU Auditorium in South Brisbane on March 1. The meeting, part of an Australia-wide ...