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  1. Pro-Palestine protesters condemn Israel’s targeting of hospitals, medical workers

    a health workers’ vigil on January 3 in Magan-djin/Brisbane. Speaking about Israel’s assault on the Kamal ... healthcarevigil3-1-25bykamalaemanuel.jpg Health care workers vigil, Magan-djin/Brisbane, January 3. Photo: Kamala Emanuel Peter Curtis ...

  2. Israel, US prepare to widen Middle East war; protesters demand genocide ends

    joined the protest. brisbane_concert_for_palestine_01_alex.jpg Concert for Palestine and Lebanon in ... Magan-djin/Brisbane on October 20. Photo: Alex Bainbridge Alex Bainbridge reports that cyclists rode 140km on October ... Magan-djin/Brisbane. The Big Ride concluded with a smaller event on October 20. Also in Magan-djin on October 20, Phil ...

  3. Protests mark six months of genocide

    onthemegaphone7-4-24byalexbainbridge-web.jpg Magan-djin/Brisbane rally, April 7. Photo: Alex Bainbridge Palestinian activist, Jamal Nabulsi, at ... the Magan-djin/Brisbane  protest summed up the feelings of many, saying: “It was honestly a shock to ... from the sit-down protest, Magan-djin/Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge ...

  4. Protests continue for 23 weeks against Israel's genocide in Gaza

    jewishpalestiniansolidarity17-3-24.jpg Jewish/Palestinian solidarity in Gadigal/Sydney The Meanjin/Brisbane rally on March 16 was ...

  5. NSW Civil Liberties Council celebrates 60 years of defending progressive activists

    news that Brisbane Watchhouse officers were consistently racist and sexist which forced the Queensland ...

  6. Draconian sentencing of climate activists needs to end

    December 2020 for taking part in Extinction Rebellion (XR) action in Brisbane, George said. “They were ...

  7. Homophobic and transphobic hate crime: Will justice be delivered?

    are being organised on June 25 in Sydney and Brisbane.] Australia June 14, 2022 1349 Looking over the ...

  8. Religious bigotry bill defeated, no thanks to Labor

    Christian College  in Brisbane to force parents to sign an enrolment form describing homosexuality and free ... against the Religious Discrimination Bill, in Brisbane on February 10. Photo: Alex Bainbridge Video: ...

  9. Anti-lockdown rallies: far-right capitalises on inadequate pandemic support

    anti-lockdown protests in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Newcastle are a symptom of the failure of big ...

  10. Nationwide actions call for Tamil family to be returned to Biloela

    organised in Brisbane on June 11. Refugee rights supporters gathered in Cairns on June 12, Tharnicaa’s ...

  11. End the hypocritical crackdown on civil liberties

    penalty. In Brisbane on May 8, during the fourth week of action outside another refugee hellhole, Kangaroo ... Supreme Court had declared the rally illegal. On June 13, Brisbane Greens councillor Jonathan Sri was ... On August 1, six refugee protesters were fined in Brisbane’s Raymond Park. On August 8, police ...

  12. Boycott Brunei movement to continue despite Sultan’s retreat

    Royal Brunei Airlines, not patronising the Royal on the Park Hotel in Brisbane which is owned by the ...

  13. Retail and fast food workers get organised

    and organising together. We also hold monthly meetings for members in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane ...

  14. How we won marriage equality

    marched in Melbourne the week before, with 10,000 marching in Brisbane, 4000 in Canberra, and thousands ...

  15. Abbott’s blocking galvanises marriage equality movement

    August 17. On August 8 and 9, rallies took place in Sydney, Perth and Brisbane. In Sydney up to 4000 ... Conference protests in 2011. In Brisbane, up to 4000 people marched — the largest LGBTI rights rally in the ... established in Sydney and Brisbane to protest the sacking of 100 workers by Hutchinson Ports. McAleer ...

  16. Aboriginal communities shame colonialist Commonwealth Games

    Aboriginal Resistance and Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy, is a sight to behold. It has a huge ...

  17. Protest points to removal of Aboriginal children

    their supporters, who had traveled to Sydney to join the protest. Activists from Brisbane had flown down ...

  18. Rallies to back queer marriage bill

    [Rallies will take place in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Lismore and Brisbane. For more ...

  19. Forum defends abortion rights

    abortifacient, RU486. Kathy Newnam, from Pro-Choice Brisbane, explained that women in Queensland have some access ...

  20. Grave fears for hunger-striking asylum seeker

    the minister has announced that he will review the cases of a number of Chinese workers in Brisbane on ...
