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The ALP: a prison for the left
the ALP. [Jim McIlroy is the Brisbane secretary of the Democratic Socialist Party.] ...
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"liberation" for our Third World sisters, let alone ourselves. Anne Rampa Brisbane ...
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be stopped. WG Fox Brisbane Postmodernism In the recent coverage in GLW of the philosophical exotica ...
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Whisson Brisbane Qld Draconian new law Public trust and confidence in our politicians is facing a crisis. ...
Four prisoners, five countries, six years and no justice
Australian Aid for Ireland supporters in Perth and Brisbane. In one letter he wrote, "As to how the case ...
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Brisbane Live sheep trade We are outraged by the government's consideration of a proposal to move the ...
Did someone murder Douglas Scott?
obtain legal assistance. The Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service in Brisbane wrote to the police ...
Students rally against fees, for increased education funding
to the budget on May 11 at 1pm in the Activities Centre. In Brisbane, Zanny Begg writes, more than ...
International Women's Day
by the ANU Student Union Women's Department and Resistance. Lynda Hansen reports from Brisbane ...
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Peterson Lota Brisbane. 'Mankind' In reply to R.J. Symonds (Armidale) letter about Remembrance ...
In defence of a green party
calling themselves "green". Liberal ex-lord mayor of Brisbane Sally-Ann Atkinson was always ...
Toxic Melbourne
Melbourne. The Brisbane suburb of Kingston has suffered health problems from toxic wastes seeping up from an ...
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alternatives for working people. Philippa Stanford Brisbane [Edited for length.] Madonna Elayne Rapping's ...
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people how wonderful the Green Alliance campaign in Brisbane was, and how good the QGN is. But there was ...
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the proposed "Green Party," the example of "Green Alliance" in Brisbane has been ...
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Brisbane. The Chief of Australia's Defence Force General Peter Gration's use of this ...
Sex, lies and young people
By Choice Association, Brisbane.] ...
Write onGreens and birth rates
Brisbane [Edited for length] Unemployment — 2 At long last an Australian Prime Minister has admitted that ...
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human discovery. Allen, your membership badge is in the mail. Dave Riley Brisbane GLW Security Risk You ...
Causes of the urban crisis
tended to settle more in Melbourne, New Zealand citizens in Brisbane and Perth and economic immigrants in ...