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  1. Write on: Letters to the editor

    the conquered to put down the conquered. WG Fox Brisbane [Abridged.] Environment and overseas students ...

  2. Short story: Travel allowances

    headed?" "Well, Brisbane ultimately", he said, "but getting to Sydney today would be fine. ...

  3. Who is behind Pauline Hanson's racist offensive?

    was not a racist and he attacked Brisbane's Labor Mayor Jim Soorley for accusing Hanson of using ...

  4. When Ploughshares met the US Air Force

    and Bill Strait (US citizens), Moana Cole from New Zealand and Ciaron O'Reilly from Brisbane ...

  5. Write on

    eye with the human rights of others. W.G. Fox Brisbane Anti-Court demo Even a brief glance at the ...

  6. Greenpeace: 'How to save our cities'

    parallels New York for severe peak ozone concentrations. Brisbane, the fastest growing Australian city, is ...

  7. Facts on Broadside

    a pinhead. Doug Everingham Brisbane [Edited for length.] Sri Lanka Your correspondent on Sri Lanka (GLW 28th ...

  8. Are the Democrats changing?

    the Greens, the Democratic Socialist Party and others) for the Brisbane City Council elections, she ...

  9. Write on

    W.G. Fox Brisbane [Edited for length.] Wilderness and bushfires Amongst the grief and fear of the past ...

  10. A chorus line of crooks

    a large heritage-listed house in Brisbane, epitomises the attitude of the fallen "heroes". Judge ...

  11. Write on

    experiment of socialism in the Soviet Union and China being eroded by traitors. W.G. Fox Brisbane Reclaim The ...

  12. Write on

    dead. Let's all sit under a gum tree and agree to build a new one. Mick White Brisbane [Edited for ...

  13. The ALP: a prison for the left

    the ALP. [Jim McIlroy is the Brisbane secretary of the Democratic Socialist Party.] ...

  14. Write on

    "liberation" for our Third World sisters, let alone ourselves. Anne Rampa Brisbane ...

  15. Write on

    be stopped. WG Fox Brisbane Postmodernism In the recent coverage in GLW of the philosophical exotica ...

  16. Write on

    Whisson Brisbane Qld Draconian new law Public trust and confidence in our politicians is facing a crisis. ...

  17. Four prisoners, five countries, six years and no justice

    Australian Aid for Ireland supporters in Perth and Brisbane. In one letter he wrote, "As to how the case ...

  18. Write on

    Brisbane Live sheep trade We are outraged by the government's consideration of a proposal to move the ...

  19. Did someone murder Douglas Scott?

    obtain legal assistance. The Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service in Brisbane wrote to the police ...

  20. Students rally against fees, for increased education funding

    to the budget on May 11 at 1pm in the Activities Centre. In Brisbane, Zanny Begg writes, more than ...
