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  1. Indigenous people organise in Guatemala

    a meeting in Brisbane on February 1, organised by the Democratic Socialist Party, that education was the ...

  2. Songs of Struggle in Sydney

    Seven's telethons in Brisbane. Originally from New Zealand, Mark grew up in Casino. He does keyboard and ...

  3. Write on

    being done to these people. W.G. Fox Brisbane ...

  4. An important part of women's history

    support did not stop later confrontations with bishops in Australia. When Brisbane's bishop demanded ...

  5. No more blood for oil!

    significant finds by Petroz caused its share price to double. Viable wells operated by the Brisbane-based oil ...

  6. Kidjo has them dancing in their seats

    Brisbane; September 24, Epicentre, Byron Bay; September 25, Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns.) ...

  7. National actions against woodchipping

    158 September 7, 1994 By Ana Kailis BRISBANE — On September 1, a picket was held here as part of ...

  8. Write on: letters to the editor

    a timely kick up the arse. Special thanks to the electors of the electorates in the Brisbane-Gold Coast ...

  9. A paper for the 'true believers'?

    refused re-election after his first term, saying that in Brisbane, "The friends are too warm, the ...

  10. Write on: letters to the editor

    W.G. Fox Brisbane Mateship? Let me tell you about the so-called mateship you hear so much about in WW2. ...

  11. Reclaim the Night even bigger this year

    In Brisbane more than 500 women took part in the event, which was marred somewhat when the police ...

  12. Lesbian Space Project nears deadline

    recently, 40 women met in Brisbane to discuss the setting up of a similar centre." The women currently ...

  13. Rallies call for abortion law repeal

    people rallied in Brisbane's Queen St Mall on May 27 to call on the Goss government to repeal ...

  14. May Day

    Sally Biddle from the Anti-Racism Alliance. BRISBANE — Abortion rights and other social issues were ...

  15. Report whitewashes Aboriginal death in custody

    By John Nebauer BRISBANE — The Criminal Justice Commission released its report on the death in ...

  16. Industrial round-up

    Brisbane By Alan Bradley Five hundred members of the Maritime Union met on February 18, and passed ...

  17. Functions honour East Timor's struggle

    Brisbane and performers from the local community. Speaking on behalf of Friends of East Timor, Saskia ...

  18. Repeal all anti-abortion laws!

    repealed. A number of different events were held in Brisbane. A speak out was held in the Queen Street Mall ...

  19. Why women need the choice

    BRISBANE — August 8 is a national day of action on abortion rights. Speakouts on campus, as well ...

  20. Carr likely to set up Hilton bombing inquiry

    After Anderson's arrest, Evan Pederick gave himself up to Brisbane police, saying that he had ...
