
Search results

  1. and ain't I a woman: Hollingworth blames the victim

    justifying his 1995 decision, taken when as Anglican archbishop of Brisbane, to allow the priest, Donald ... against women. Hollingworth, despite his decision as archbishop of Brisbane to ordain women as Anglican ...

  2. and aint i a woman: Repeal, don't reform, abortion laws

    Bayliss ran the Fertility Control Clinic, a private abortion clinic in Brisbane, from 1979 until his ... Brisbane International Women's Day Collective ran a campaign for repeal, culminating in a march to ...

  3. Students defiantly protest war

    Sydney, an amazing 7000 in Adelaide, 4000 in Melbourne, 1500 in Perth, 1000 in Brisbane — to the 30 ... 10-year-old protester. Hundreds of protesters were forcibly detained by police for two hours. In Brisbane ...

  4. Franti joins Radio Skid Row's celebration

    broadcast the protests to the rest of Australia. A group of Brisbane Murris, who were helping out with the ... broadcasts, were so inspired by what they saw that they decided to set up their own station in Brisbane. 4AAA ...

  5. The Murdoch effect

    Melbourne and the Courier-Mail in Brisbane, wrote that my "anti-Semitic stories" had forced ... daily, Sunday and local papers, and all the printing presses. In Brisbane, he controls all but some ...

  6. M1 activists discuss future actions

    Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), the next meeting of which will be in Brisbane October 6-8. Jubilee ... Australia, Ormerod reported, is organising a rally near the CHOGM venue in Brisbane, on October 6, the first ...

  7. Bombing causes 'worst teaching day in 30 years'

    been prominent at many of the emergency protests. In Brisbane, a lively contingent from Griffith ... Brisbane, the staff have received a memo from the school's Catholic order, saying that while it ...

  8. As the bombs drop, Australians say 'No war!'

    30,000-strong protests. Ten thousand rallied in Brisbane, 6000 in Perth, 4000 in Adelaide, 3000 in Newcastle, ... Brisbane protester Marcel Cameron told GLW: “Many people came to the protest feeling overwhelmed by the ...

  9. A very different parliamentarian

    and get back to his job", Fox addressed public meetings in Melbourne, Hobart, Brisbane, Canberra ... socialist party. In Brisbane, two bagpipe players arrived in full kit to welcome Fox to the November 18 ...

  10. News briefs #2

    BRISBANE- "The siege of Fallujah was a massacre", Donna Mulhearn, one of five foreigners present ... Mary's Church, South Brisbane, on June 30. "Fallujah was used for selective punishment by the US ...

  11. Write on: Letters to the editor

    Brisbane. The action, in which a handful of protesters stormed the stage with placards condemning what some ... unity in these struggles is our greatest strength. Andy Gianniotis Brisbane Resistance ...

  12. If you're not angry, you're not paying attention

    (ANOU). Plans are well advanced for a national conference in Brisbane on October 24 and 25. Organisations ... vice-president of UNEMPA. UNEMPA can be contacted at: Level 2, 16 Peel St, South Brisbane 4101, by email at ...

  13. Write on: Letters to the editor

    precisely what we don't want. Dave Riley Brisbane [Abridged.] Asylum seekers Thanks to you for your ... coverage of the asylum seekers' demonstration in Brisbane on National Refugee Action Day in July. ...

  14. Olympics: 'the world will be watching'

    Foley recalls, Aboriginal activists, activating networks in Redfern, Fitzroy, Brisbane and around the ... watching", protesters at the 1982 Commonwealth Games in Brisbane faced fierce repression at the hand of ...

  15. Call to shut down Commonwealth Business Forum

    Meeting (CHOGM) which is meeting in Brisbane on October 6. 2. The stated objective of this year's CBF ... Melbourne and at CHOGM in Brisbane. 4. We support the call from Jubilee 2000 for the unconditional ...

  16. Workers' action needed to solve fuel crisis

    September, and owner-drivers blockaded fuel depots in Melbourne and Brisbane. Australian truck drivers were ... 2000. Although the petrol blockades have been called off in Melbourne and Brisbane, the increasing price ...

  17. Community legal centres defy 'NGOcide'

    NACLC and coordinator of Brisbane's Caxton Legal Centre, said that in conjunction with its assault ... in Brisbane, a member of the Democratic Socialist Party and the outgoing Queensland representative on ...

  18. Stop the US/NATO war on Serbia! Self-determination for Kosova!

    officer, Griffith University SRC; Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (Brisbane); Jabiluka Action Group ... (Brisbane); Jabiluka Action Group (Sydney); Dave Holmes, Resistance Books; Stephen O'Brien, Committees in ...

  19. This machine still kills fascists

    Brisbane — April 10 at the Brisbane Arena; Sydney — April 13 and 14 at the Enmore Theatre; Canberra — April ...

  20. Telstra unions strike over enterprise agreement

    call centre worker in Brisbane. He was referring to Telstra's advertising slogan, "Making ... Brisbane meeting, a motion was moved by Democratic Socialist activist Tim Stewart calling for "any ...
