
Search results

  1. Historic rally for ISGD people鈥檚 rights

    Melbourne and 10 activists flew from Brisbane to attend the important action, undeterred by the cold, windy ... Fierce, Cody Price from Brisbane Still Fierce and Jackson, elected ISGD sex worker spokesperson from the ...

  2. Vale John McCarthy, 1948 鈥 2008

    undermined its ability to lead an alternative. After John returned to Brisbane in the 1970s, he helped found ... Brisbane-based activist Jim McIllroy, "The fight is the fight for simple justice, to begin with. "To do ...

  3. 'We put this government on notice'

    800 Australia June 29, 2009 This article is based on a speech by Ewan Saunders at the Brisbane ... Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, in Wollongong too, and here in Brisbane, many ...

  4. Union support escalates for anti-intervention walk-off

    with hundreds of supporters in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane and Alice Springs. "The ... a rousing reception. On October 19 in Brisbane, a meeting was arranged with the executive of the Queensland ...

  5. Ark Tribe鈥檚 non-meeting with Kevin Rudd

    Ark Tribe has travelled across Australia visiting Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane, speaking ... commitment. He was also invited to attend the Brisbane march on May 3, and celebrated May Day with 30,000 ...

  6. Sheppard moves them along

    of Queensland, Brisbane 鈥淢ove them along!鈥, referring to police strategies to deal with loitering ... Company, Black Swan Theatre Company in Perth and Kooemba Jdarra in Brisbane. Sheppard was inspired to ...

  7. Wharfies walk off over death

    Brisbane have even taken to wearing stickers declaring: 鈥淚 won't be stood over.鈥 The first fatality ... this year occurred at POAGS Brisbane, when Brad Gray was run over by a forklift on February 20. The ...

  8. Up yours, Howard

    workers to oppose these changes." In Brisbane, Stella Riethmuller reports that Resistance is calling ... Like Brisbane, Resistance activists in Adelaide have initiated a protest for young workers' rights ...

  9. IRAQ: Who was behind the tragedy at Aaimah bridge?

    living in Brisbane, following a telephone conversation with one of his relatives, who was among the ... between Tawfiq Alqadhi, another Iraqi now resident in Brisbane, and a relative in Baghdad who witnessed ...

  10. Tribute to a great fighter

    1993 was picked up from a street in Brisbane and taken in a paddy wagon to the Brisbane watchhouse. He ...

  11. On the socialist campaign trail

    Socialist Alliance campaign in Griffith, as well as in the neighbouring seat of Brisbane, where Socialist ... Brisbane Courier-Mail, McIlroy said this was already a significant win to gain some prominent coverage for ...

  12. On the socialist campaign trail

    political campaigns, RAM activist and member of New Zealand Socialist Worker Grant Morgan told a Brisbane ... and Andrew Rice, representing Brisbane Socialist Alliance candidate and Resistance member Ewan ...

  13. The art of struggle

    Gallery of Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, the Queensland Art Gallery, the Brisbane Museum of ... at the Bulletin and for the Brisbane Courier Mail. In addition to being awarded 2nd prize in the ...

  14. Letters to the Editor

    Brisbane Tibet II In his critique of Dick Nichols article in support of Tibetan self-determination, Ronald ... sized to fit, and, unlike solar and wind, require almost no space. Carlos Caceres Brisbane ...

  15. Doctor charged after 12 days in detention

    "anti-terror" laws. Haneef was arrested on July 2 at Brisbane Airport attempting to board a flight to Bangalore. ... Brisbane Airport, he was traveling on a one-way ticket 鈥 the implication being that he was fleeing ...

  16. A woman's place is in the struggle: Marry and multiply, says Family First

    Liberals in most seats, it made an exception for the Liberal candidate for Brisbane, Ingrid Tall, because ... First volunteer in Brisbane answered "yes" when asked whether the party supported lesbians ...

  17. 'What do we want? Howard out!'

    around 20,000 workers crammed into the King George Square in Brisbane on June 30, spilling over into ... largest industrial mobilisation in Brisbane in a decade. A weekend of protest is being planned for July 30 ...

  18. News briefs #4

    #4 Migrant forum supports refugee rights BRISBANE 鈥 Strong support for refugee rights was the ... overwhelming sentiment of a forum sponsored by the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland in the Brisbane ...

  19. News briefs 2

    2 'Make refugee rights a political issue' BRISBANE 鈥 "The best thing we can do to ... issue, which must be solved", Sisalem said. Welcoming Sisalem to Brisbane, Indigenous activist and ...

  20. No end in sight for Sydney's airport woes

    significant routes between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Yet there is little evidence that the technology ... A high-speed rail service linking the new airport with Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane would make the ...
