
Search results

  1. Murris protest axing of Indigenous ministry

    Paul Benedek, Brisbane "Peter Beattie's axing of Indigenous affairs as a stand alone ...

  2. Workers' and civil rights coalition formed

    Paul Benedek, Brisbane On September 14, 400 people attended the launch of the Workers and Civil ...

  3. 'Axe murderer has more rights than building worker'

    Paul Benedek, Brisbane "Secret listening devices, secret recording devices, no right to ...

  4. James Hardie locks the gate

    Andrew Martin, Brisbane On October 19, workers at James Hardie's Meeandah concrete pipe ...

  5. Aboriginal leader condemns army 'racist clowns'

    606 November 17, 2004 Jim McIlroy, Brisbane Sam Watson, prominent Aboriginal activist and ...

  6. New 'super ministry' threat to jobs

    605 November 3, 2004 Jim McIlroy, Brisbane The Coalition government's plans to create a new ...

  7. 'Trust the Howard government to lie!'

    Brisbane, said on August 30. "But the ALP under Mark Latham can also be 'trusted' not to rock ...

  8. Qld Aids Council protests funding cuts

    590 November 17, 1993 Lynda Hansen, Brisbane On July 15, 150 members and supporters of the ...

  9. Rallies oppose ATSIC abolition

    on." Jim McIlroy reports from Brisbane that several hundred people rallied at the Roma Street Forum on ...

  10. IWD: 'no sexism, no war!'

    Marshall reports that 200 people marched in Brisbane, after Aboriginal elder Aunty Ella welcomed rally ...

  11. Equity campaign for childcare workers

    Robyn Marshall, Brisbane The Liquor, Hospitality, and Miscellaneous Workers Union is taking an ...

  12. 'Resistance is a just response to occupation'

    Bill Mason, Brisbane "Resistance is a just response to occupation; it takes various forms, ...

  13. Protest targets 'house of the lying rodent'

    Jim McIlroy, Brisbane "Let's have regime change here in Australia, for ourselves as well ...

  14. Australia at the crossroads

    Michael McDonald, Brisbane On August 3, a public meeting at City Hall on the theme "Australia ...

  15. 'Unity needed for union laws campaign'

    Lynda Hansen & Jim McIlroy, Brisbane "We need unity of all the elements of the campaign ...

  16. Centrelink workers face battle over agreement

    Jim McIlroy, Brisbane Workers in the federal government's main social welfare agency, ...

  17. Murri leaders slam new Qld minister

    Jim McIlroy, Brisbane He was the "minister for black-outs, now he's the minister for ...

  18. 'Late justice' for power workers

    Jim McIlroy, Brisbane The pay rises of up to 27% over three years recently announced for the ...

  19. Aborigines slam 'stolen wages' cap

    Jim McIlroy, Brisbane The Stolen Wages Campaign Working Group has criticised the Queensland ...

  20. Cleaners' rallies target CBD building owners

    marches to demand a "fair deal for cleaners". Rallies were held in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, ...
