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Socialism for the new millennium conferences
conferences, organised by the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, were held in Adelaide, Brisbane ... , Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney over the Anzac Day long weekend. Robyn Marshall reports from Brisbane ... Transport Workers Union; and Jim McIlroy, Brisbane DSP branch secretary and CPSU delegate. The session ...
Pope protest celebrates civil liberties win
"The pope is wrong — put a condom on". In Brisbane, more than 100 people rallied with ... pope's anti-queer, anti-abortion, anti-condom stance", spokesperson Paul Benedek told the Brisbane ...
Union rallies say 'Make James Hardie pay!'
and Brisbane on September 15 to demand that the James Hardie company, which dominated the Australian ... corporations in the two countries. Bill Mason reports from Brisbane that about 2000 unionists, mostly ...
Action updates
Education network formed BRISBANE — On February 24, the Queensland Education Action Network was formed to ... is open on Thursdays 7pm-9pm and Saturdays. Phone (047) 222 214. Multiculturalism BRISBANE ...
215 December 12, 1995 Court ruling throws Qld ALP into crisis BRISBANE — A by-election for the ... likely to contest Mundingburra. Actions against Quaid development BRISBANE — Developer George Quaid has ...
'Democratic Socialism '96' a big success
Adelaide, Hobart and Brisbane over the Easter weekend, and in Perth, Darwin and Canberra the following ... Brisbane conference. A talk by Peter Boyle, from Links magazine, titled "Socialism — the way ...
Action updates
279 June 25, 1997 Stonewall anniversary BRISBANE — The pinnacle event of the annual Lesbian and ... Speak-out for Chinese refugees BRISBANE — The Anti-Racist Campaign sponsored a speak-out in the Queen Street ...
African community hits back at Dutton’s racist hysteria
racism towards African Australians, and a Brisbane family has been followed home and attacked by a far ...
Sam Watson: ‘We need treaty and sovereignty’
Detention of Children in the Northern Territory Sam Watson, a leading Murri activist from Brisbane, has been ...
Electricity privatisation 'a dismal failure': union report
was instead diverted to areas such as management and marketing, the February 25 Brisbane Times ... Brisbane Times reported. He concluded his report by saying: "Privatising the [Queensland electricity] ...
The revolution will not be televised!
possession in Brisbane after flying in from London. On April 4 he pleaded guilty in the Brisbane ...
Politicians and parliament: young people want change
joined Resistance in 1991 through involvement in the environment movement. She is currently the Brisbane ... Resistance organiser and the Democratic Socialist candidate for the seat of Brisbane. Question: Youth ...
Transburban and its toll road empire
overcooked. The same thing happened in Brisbane in the famous airport link, where there was a fraudulent ...
An insider's view of the Maritime Union
(MUSAA), and an inspector for the International Transport Federation. Bob is well known on the Brisbane ... secretary of the Brisbane branch of the Democratic Socialist Party. Question: The MUA has been under ...
Four union victories this month
vote Brisbane night-fill worker Penny Vickers waged an 18-month legal battle to terminate an agreement ...
Fate of Adani’s mine in the balance
her party at risk of losing two inner Brisbane seats to the Greens. For any veto to be effective ...
Vigils light the dark against cruelty
1146 The Brisbane vigil. Photo: Alex Bainbridge News ...
Occupy Australia: Thousands turn out across the country
the Occupy Sydney site. In Brisbane, Jim McIlroy reports at least 300 people attended the occupation ... cent!" Further discussions were held to plan the future of the Brisbane occupation. On October 16, Occupy ... Brisbane said an estimated 450 different people passed through Post Office Square over October 15 all up, ...
Farmers and graziers beef up opposition to Adani and Acland mines
protests in Brisbane and local areas calling on the minister to immediately reject the NAC expansion. On ...
Anything will burn, even a business model
being investigated. The Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane has up to 24,000 square metres of ... Brisbane and hospitals in Cairns and Mackay — have also been named. Apart from these facilities, none of ...