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  1. WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION: Rich countries ignore Third World's concerns

    Victor Alvarez on September 5 called on all underdeveloped countries to refuse to make any new ... haven't been satisfied". Alvarez described the WTO as one of those "institutions created by ...

  2. Colombia: Left awaits Uribe in Congress

    Colombia's congress. Graphic by Leonar Alvarez. ...

  3. Philippines: Leftists launch election campaign to take on 'trapos'

    Borja, running for Congress in Iligan, Bong Sevilla, running for mayor of General Mariano Alvarez ...

  4. VENEZUELA: Government rejects latest slurs

    the US Bernardo Alvarez pointed out that the allegation that Venezuela had provided funds to Bin Laden ...

  5. VIETNAM: 60 years of independence

    Alfredo Leon Alvarez, secretary general of OSPAAAL; Francois Houtart from the Belgium-based Tricontinental ...

  6. Vivian Solon scandal drags on

    do everything we can to restore Ms Alvarez Solon, in as much as it is possible, to the position she ...

  7. Venezuela: Call to murder Chavez from US religious leader

    reported that Bernado Alvarez, Venezuela's ambassador to the US, told reporters that "the ...

  8. VENEZUELA: Chavez targets police corruption

    two assassination attempts of peasant leaders in recent weeks. Braulio Alvarez, leader of the Ezequiel ...

  9. CUBA: Mass rally condemns US provocations

    Santrina, a yacht captained by the notorious terrorist Santiago Alvarez, a man who, strangely enough, is ...

  10. VENEZUELA: US isolation plans frustrated

    Alvarez responding to Bush by saying that despite US hostility, Venezuela would continue to sell oil to ...

  11. MEXICO: Government pressured over 'disappeared'

    Alvarez was quoted in the Mexico City daily La Jornada on December 7, 2000, as saying that far from being ...

  12. VENEZUELA: Chavez continues 'offensive' against imperialism

    chief trade negotiator, Victor Alvarez, has promised to "be taking the fight to inside the ...

  13. Stop the US/NATO war on Serbia! Self-determination for Kosova!

    Regional Council on Human Rights in Asia; Jos茅 Alvarez Icaza, president, National Center for Social ...

  14. Gonzalez implicated in Basque murders

    Francisco Alvarez Sanchez, publicly announced that he organised the Zabala-Lasa kidnapping. He was not ...

  15. The CIA and the military in Latin America

    speculation about the presence on the agency payroll of General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, who led the unit. ...

  16. Cuba captures US-based terrorists

    aborted Bay of Pigs invasion. He and Pedro de la Caridad Alvarez were members of the Nationalist ...

  17. How Australian intelligence helped Pinochet dictatorship

    who were torturers in jails in Uruguay during the dictatorship of Gregorio Alvarez. Because my husband ...

  18. Guatemala: The coup that radicalised Che Guevara

    鈥淲hether consciously or not,鈥 Lucia Alvarez de Toledo observed in The Story of Che Guevara, 鈥渇rom then on ...

  19. Letter from the United States: Workers, poor suffer most from Sandy

    鈥淰颈肠迟辞谤 Alvarez, 60, waited for any word of his wife, who suffers from schizophrenia and had disappeared ...

  20. Venezuela pushes for peace

    Alvarez said that for many years both the US and Colombia had been accusing Caracas of sheltering presumed ...
