Join housing activists, community groups and unions to say end the evictions at Selwyn Street Boarding Homes, Paddington.
We are in a housing crisis unprecedented in modern times.
Mostly elderly men risk eviction from their boarding homes on Monday March 3, 2025.
A developer, LFD Developments, bought the four boarding house terraces in Selwyn Street, Paddington, in 2023. They aim to evict all the tenants, and build four luxury villas in their stead.
Housing Minister Rose Jackson and the local council pledged to buy terraces, but the developer refuses to sell.
The eviction date is imminent, so we must act now to stop them.
We demand:
No evictions of tenants from Selwyn St, Paddington Boarding Homes!
Rose Jackson and the Minns government need to forcibly acquire the Boarding Homes!
Supported by: Selwyn Street Boarding House tenant, Action for Public Housing NSW, Community Dignity Respect, MUA Sydney branch, Pyrmont Action Inc, Community Union Defense League, Socialist Alliance NSW, Australia Communist Party, Greens Councillor Randwick Council Phillipa Veitch
Start at Whitlam Square, Darlinghurst - top end of Hyde Park South and march to Flinders St and Moore Park Road, Paddington.
Contact 0403 517 266 for details