Feminist campaign for reproductive freedom
By Adrienne Barrett
MELBOURNE — An ambitious project has been launched here by the Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights. The group aims to hold a host of activities, large and small, to publicise the need for action around the issues of abortion rights and women's control over reproductive choices in general.
This "Feminist Offensive for Reproductive Freedom" will culminate in a major public event in March 1992.
Information in the campaign's broadsheet points out that women's reproductive options are limited not only by attacks on women's legal access to abortion, but also by threats to women's economic status in society. Women without jobs or housing, or access to affordable child-care, cannot make a meaningful choice to continue or terminate a pregnancy.
The demands of the campaign therefore include the defence and extension of Medicare, access for all women to child-care, more funding for public and community services, more resources to go into developing better and more pleasant contraceptives and jobs and a guaranteed independent income for all women.
The Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights includes women and men, individuals and organisations, who see women's right to reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right. The current campaign needs support. For details about meetings, to receive the CWRR newsletter or to send a greatly needed donation, contact Fiona Blackburn (03) 481 4201.