Letters to the editor

May 27, 2011
Cartoon: Carlos Latuff.

Gaza flotilla needs our support

In a few weeks time, a flotilla will be going to Gaza carrying medical supplies, food and building materials to assist the Palestinian people who have suffered grievously from the Zionist policies of the Israeli government.

麻豆传媒 Weekly, since its inception, has done a splendid job supporting the Palestinians and exposing and condemning the evil that has been inflicted on them since the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

A practical way in which our readers can show their opposition to Zionist policies is to make a donation toward the cost and maintenance of the flotilla. Both the crew and passengers are taking a big risk when you consider the loss of life on the last flotilla.

They deserve our moral support. We honour the memory of the martyrs of the last flotilla.

Bill Beeche, Raul Bassi, Bernie Rosen

Article refers to wrong McCarthy

"In 麻豆传媒 Weekly #880 in the article 鈥淩ethink on 'wilderness' needed鈥 an egregious error appears in Derek Wall's otherwise excellent piece where he confuses "Eugene McCarthy" with "Joe McCarthy", the Republican red-baiting senator from Wisconsin who deserves to be vilified as a mendacious, destructive stooge 'wound up' to serve post World War II US cold war capitalism.

"Eugene McCarthy" was the antithesis of Joe.

Eugene was a senator for Minnesota and during the Vietnam War period stood in the Democratic Party primaries against incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson, and because of the support he received led to Johnson's decision not to stand for a second term.

鈥淕ene鈥 stood out as a hero of the anti-war movement in the US at that time and doesn't deserve to be confused with low-lifes like 鈥淛oe鈥. Politically he remained a progressive voice in the US congress.

Dave Bell,

[The mistake was not Derek Wall鈥檚, but was introduced as a subediting error. Eds.]

Arab spring is Israel鈥檚 worst nightmare

With the uprisings in the Middle East, we are seeing US puppet regimes falling like dominoes, as ordinary people fight for democracy in the streets, with no fear of the regimes' brutality.

With Yemen, Syria and Bahrain, the Palestinians, on the anniversary of Al Nakba, are rising up, calling for a Third Intifada against the Israeli occupation of their homeland, inspired by the people of Egypt and Tunisia.

The Zionists are having nightmares because they know they can't win. With the Arab Spring upon us, we are seeing history unfolding with the BDS campaign growing stronger in the West. Young Arabs are using Facebook to organise against the regimes throughout the Middle East.
The Zionists in Australia and around the world are losing support as the dreams of Gamal Abdul Nasser are coming to reality. We have seen protesters being shot in Jerusalem for storming Israel's borders, as well as in neighbouring Syria.

In Damascus, protesters are being massacred by plain clothed police loyal to President Bashir Al Assad. While all this is happening, the old Zionists are still yelling at our comrades on the streets, "You have been brainwashed by Nazi propaganda."

They know the reality that Israel and the ship of fools who support it are sinking 鈥 going down with the rest of their despotic mates in the Middle East.

These Arab leaders are liars who speak from both sides of their mouths, on the one hand, saying they support Hezbollah and Hamas, and on the other, aligning themselves with the United States and Israel. They are sending in tanks to crush protesters, jailing doctors for treating wounded protesters.

Hopefully, soon the Australian people and others will see Israel for what it really is 鈥 a racist state of Zionist despots, using the Nazi Holocaust to justify the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians. The Israelis claim to be the victims of the horrible Arabs, meanwhile washing the blood of innocent Palestinians from their hands.

The Palestinians' only crime is to be the indigenous population who are getting in the way of the creation of a pure Jewish-only state. The days of the Israeli regime are numbered: you can't stop the historical tide from turning. With the death of Osama Bin Laden, the Arab people are now choosing a different path, abandoning Islamic fundamentalism for a secular democracy.

Sam Bullock,

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