BRISBANE — The M1 Alliance here has sent a letter to Queensland premier Peter Beattie and to the commissioner of police asking them to ensure that police officers exercise restraint and don't repeat the violent assaults of their colleagues against S11 protesters in Melbourne.
The alliance's open letter notes that M1 activists are participating in training in non-violent protest techniques and calls authorities to ensure that "police assigned to duty at the protest are also trained to avoid violence and conflict and not to attack defenceless and non-violent protesters".
Members of the socialist youth organisation Resistance have also set up an "M1 Mobile" — a four wheel drive covered in posters and stickers and blaring out the M1 message. The mobile has toured schools around the city and has proved very popular with students.
Eighty people turned out for a fundraiser for M1 on April 19, which featured local bands King Mungi, Scrumfeeder, Filler amd Standing 8 Counts.