Regional day of protest against Elian's kidnapping
Socialist parties in the Asian region have called for February 17 to become a day of regionally coordinated protest actions against the kidnapping of six-year-old Elian Gonzalez (see article on page 21).
The United States government and the right-wing Cuban emigre community in Miami refuse to return Elian to his father in Cuba, defying the laws of the United States, natural human justice, and the overwhelming sentiment of the Cuban people, the majority of the US population, and worldwide opinion.
The Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) and Resistance in Australia, the Socialist Party of Labour in the Philippines and the Labour Party Pakistan have all put their names to the call.
"We need to step up international pressure on the US government to end this outrageous kidnapping", said DSP national secretary John Percy. "The basic demand of the protests would be simple: Return Elian Gonzalez to his home now!"
In Australia, actions for Elian on February 17 have been confirmed in:
Canberra: 5.30pm, US embassy, 21 Moonah Place, Yarralumla. Organised by the Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean, and the DSP. Ph 6247 2424.
Melbourne: 5pm, US consulate, 553 St Kilda Road (near the corner of Commercial Rd), St Kilda. Ph 9639 8622.
Sydney: 4.30-6pm, US consulate, Martin Place (corner of Castlereagh Street), city. Organised by DSP and the Committee in Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean. Ph Belinda 9690 1977.
Ring the Resistance Centre in your city for the details of other actions.