Ecuadoran villagers occupy mining installations
By Cam Walker
Installations of the Japanese mining company Bishimetals and the Ecuadoran state mining institution CODIGEM were peacefully occupied on May 12 by 50 people from seven local communities, representing 225 families.
The installations, which are part of a proposed mine, are located in the forest of Junin, in the south-west Ecuador province of Imbabura. The area forms part of the buffer zone for the Cotocachi Cayapas reserve, and the internationally recognised Chocó region.
The occupation was caused by Bishimetals and CODIGEM's failure to consult with the communities. Neither company has carried on any type of conversation or consultation with the local people about the social or environmental consequences of mining in the area.
The Junin village organisations are complaining that the project does not have their prior approval and is therefore being developed "outside the national mining law". The communities are demanding an end to any exploration and possible exploitation of copper in the region.
They cite the impacts indicated in the project's environmental impact statement, such as: displacement of 100 families; deforestation and consequent desertification of over 4500 hectares; soil erosion in over 1300 hectares; threats to more than 15 endangered species; increases in crime caused by the increase in population.
Acción Ecologica (Friends of the Earth Ecuador), with whom the communities are working, also opposes the project, not only because of its local impacts, but also because of the impacts mining has at the national level.
It is expected that the present drive to expand mining will reduce food self-sufficiency, severely affect the conservation of bio-diversity and pollute important water catchments.
There is a real risk that the military will be used against the people of Junin. Please send a letter of support for the position of the communities, asking for an end to the Junin project, to: Dr Raul Baca Carbo, Ministro de Energia y Minas, Santa Prisca 223/225, Quito Ecuador. Fax 593 2 502 092 with a copy to: The General Manager, Mitsubishi Materials Corp, 5 1 Ohtemachi 1 Chome, Chiyoda ku, (box 184, Central PO), Tokyo 100, Japan. Fax: 3 5252 5270/1.