Left On-line
Webgrrls — Webgrrls is a real-world, face-to-face networking group for women in and interested in new media. Chapters are forming around the world to provide a forum for women to exchange information, give leads, learn about new technologies, mentor, intern, train and more. The idea grew out of New York in 1995, where a small group of geek/girls began meeting to discuss their work and play. Australian chapters have been established in (http://www.home.aone.net.au/webgrrls/), (http://www.webgrrls.com/sydney/) and (http://www.powerup.com.au/~qldq/webgrrls.html). For see http://www.webgrrls.com/howgrrl.html.
(http://www.peg.apc.org/~etp) — Feline is an open collective of women who want to display their stories, arts, poetries and ideologies. The site has made inroads into several areas of interest to women and the collective hopes that collaborations will continue to grow.
— This coalition is a lobbying and networking organisation which promotes women's equality before the law. It has prepared a site with briefings, action information and contacts at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~nwjc/.
— The Women Musicians' Alliance promotes independent female creators of today's music, and encourages women of all ages to write and perform tomorrow's music. The WMA is a voice of the independent artist. Eclectic by nature, this alliance also seeks to bring together these originators and fans of music created from the female perspective. Find the WMA at http://inklein.com/wma.
(http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8425) — A US site that builds solidarity with workers in struggle throughout the world. It includes daily and weekly news on labour struggles; discussions about globalisation; information about major multinational companies; exposés about the antics of the ruling class; and the role and operations of the CIA.
Colombian army demands closure of web page — A top Colombian Army official called for the closure of this web page dedicated to Gloria Cuartas, the mayor of Apartado in violence-torn north-west Colombia. The page was created by the Colombia Support Network of Madison, Wisconsin, to provide news about the repression by the military and their para-military allies of the civilian population and Mayor Gloria Cuartas, who had a million peso bounty on her head. that the Colombian Army's High Command doesn't want you to read at http://www.igc.apc.org/csn/.
(http://www.democracy.org.hk/) — A site created by long-term pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong to report, from activists' point of view, on the grassroots democracy movement and the political situation after Hong Kong's return to China. Such a space is important as basic civil rights in Hong Kong are under attack. Also check the site of (http://members.hknet.com/~tllau/default.html), one of the most active pro-democracy groups in Hong Kong which is also in solidarity with the democracy movement in China.
Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/. Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!