Hindmarsh Island bridge campaign plans
By Carla Gorton
ADELAIDE — Aboriginal and community activists opposed to the construction of the Hindmarsh Island bridge are planning some high-profile actions for November. A public meeting is scheduled for November 20 at Maughan Church hall, followed by a long walk from Adelaide to Goolwa, where the proposed bridge is to be built.
The actions follow the third anniversary, in late October, of protesters halting work on the site in 1993. Other actions may be organised if the federal government overrides the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act, which it is currently considering, clearing the way for construction of the bridge.
On September 6, the High Court ruled that the federal inquiry headed by Justice Jane Mathews was unconstitutional. This has led to speculation that the Aboriginal affairs minister, Senator John Herron, intends to amend key Aboriginal legislation to avoid a fresh inquiry.
The Kumarangk Coalition, which has supported the Ngarrindjeri women's spiritual beliefs and opposition to the bridge, can be contacted via the Conservation Council in South Australia.