Hospital picket
PERTH — For the last couple of weeks the miscellaneous workers union have picketed Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital to protest against ongoing privatisation. Under the new conditions the number of orderlies will be cut by 50%, and the Royal Perth Hospital will have only one cleaner for the whole weekend roster. The jobs of all hospital workers involved in cleaning, catering, linen, gardening, supplies and sterilisation are under threat.
Forestry company targeted
HOBART — More than 90 people marked the annual general meeting of forestry giant North Forest Products (NFP) with protests around Tasmania. On October 27, at a protest outside NFP's offices in Hobart, Wilderness Society campaigner Geoff Law read a list of NFP's (and parent company North Broken Hill's) "industrial sins" including its forestry practices which allow it to export more woodchips than all other timber companies in Australia combined; the mining of uranium; and brutal industrial relations policies. On October 28 actions were held at NFP's Burnie port facility and their Tamar mill. At the Burnie protest, organised by the Native Forest Network, activists unfurled a banner reading "North's greed costs jobs" from the top of a stockpile of woodchips.
Anti-nuke action 1
CANBERRA — Approximately 100 people rallied on November 3 against nuclear testing and uranium mining. Speakers denounced the continued French testing, the US announcement of a series of nuclear "experiments", Australia's continued mining and export of uranium, and its involvement in the nuclear war machine by hosting US bases. Speakers included Sue Bull from the Democratic Socialist Party, Jenny Hollander from Students Against Nuclear Testing and Resistance, Bobi Meyer from the Notice to Quit Campaign, Jeremy Pynor from the Trades and Labor Council, Jess Rich from the International Socialists and Kerrie Tucker from the ACT Greens.
Anti-nuke action 2
MELBOURNE — France's third nuclear test in the Pacific was condemned by a rally of 200 in City Square on October 28. NMHC spokesperson Ray Fulcher criticised the US government for its recent announcement to carry out nuclear tests in the Nevada desert. "We want the elimination of all nuclear stockpiles. We are opposed to
all nuclear tests and experiments because they assist in the development and maintenance of nuclear weapons", he said. The NMHC has called a rally for December 3, 1pm, Treasury Gardens. The rally will demand that US bases are removed from Australia. For more information ring 9663 3677.
Defence department dispute
SYDNEY — Members of the Community and Public Sector Union within the Naval Support Command of the Department of Defence voted on October 27 in favour of work bans. Navy management is diverting funds from the civilian staff salaries budget to the "stores" budget — for more guns and missiles. CPSU members want better union consultation, no cuts in funds for civilian staff and no transfers of functions from civilian staff. The work bans restrict telephone, fax or E-mail contact with armed forces personnel and the defence department's head office. Other unions covering the command's civilian employees are implementing similar work bans in solidarity.